Cave Escape 3D Mac OS

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Download Cave Story. Note: For Cave Story WiiWare, Cave Story+, Cave Story DSi, or Cave Story 3D please click here. Note on NXEngine: NXEngine is an open source reproduction of the Cave Story engine. Most of the other ports here are built using the original source code from Pixel, but NXEngine ports are built from a fork of the NXEngine source.

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Download Cave Story. Note: For Cave Story WiiWare, Cave Story+, Cave Story DSi, or Cave Story 3D please click here. Note on NXEngine: NXEngine is an open source reproduction of the Cave Story engine. Most of the other ports here are built using the original source code from Pixel, but NXEngine ports are built from a fork of the NXEngine source core, at any stage of NXEngine's development. Escape To Cave is another escape game developed by the

The Standard Roman character set, often called Mac OS Romanor MacRoman, is an 8-bit character set used in older Macintoshoperating systems to display Western characters. It has since beenreplaced by Unicode (UTF-8).

It is an extension of both US ASCII and earlier Mac OScharacter sets and is identical to ASCII for the first 128 characters.It also resembles the Latin-1 character set, including manyaccented characters and a number of additional symbols, though the twosets don't include all of the same symbols. Latin-1 and Mac OS Roman alsodiffer on the characters assigned to numbers. For example, smallletter 'a' with an acute accent (á) is decimal 225 in Latin-1,but is decimal 135 in Mac OS Roman.

The following table describes the Mac OS Roman character set, associatingthe decimal and hexadecimal equivalents with descriptionsof the characters. Also included are the keystrokes for all printingand a few non-printing characters used with Apple's US Englishkeyboard layout. Not all fonts can represent all characters, whilesome fonts will represent alternate characters.

Dec Hex Description Keystrokes
0 00 null character
1 01 start of heading
2 02 start of text
3 03 end of text
4 04 end of transmission
5 05 enquiry
6 06 acknowledge
7 07 bell
8 08 backspace
9 09 horizontal tabulation
10 0A line feed
11 0B vertical tabulation
12 0C form feed
13 0D carriage return Return
14 0E Shift out
15 0F Shift in
16 10 data link escape
17 11 device control one
18 12 device control two
19 13 device control three
20 14 device control four
21 15 negative acknowledge
22 16 synchronous idle
23 17 end of transmission block
24 18 cancel
25 19 end of medium
26 1A substitute
27 1B escape Esc
28 1C file separator
29 1D group separator
30 1E record separator
31 1F unit separator
32 20 space Spacebar
33 21 Shift-1
34 22 ' Shift-'
35 23 # Shift-3
36 24 $ Shift-4
37 25 % Shift-5
38 26 & Shift-7
39 27 ' '
40 28 ( Shift-9
41 29 ) Shift-0
42 2A * Shift-8
43 2B + Shift-=
44 2C , ,
45 2D - -
46 2E . .
47 2F / /
48 30 0 0
49 31 1 1
50 32 2 2
51 33 3 3
52 34 4 4
53 35 5 5
54 36 6 6
55 37 7 7
56 38 8 8
57 39 9 9
58 3A : Shift-;
59 3B ; ;
60 3C < Shift-,
61 3D = =
62 3E > Shift-.
63 3F ? Shift-/
64 40 @ Shift-2
65 41 A Shift-a
66 42 B Shift-b
67 43 C Shift-c
68 44 D Shift-d
69 45 E Shift-e
70 46 F Shift-f
71 47 G Shift-g
72 48 H Shift-h
73 49 I Shift-i
74 4A J Shift-j
75 4B K Shift-k
76 4C L Shift-l
77 4D M Shift-m
78 4E N Shift-n
79 4F O Shift-o
80 50 P Shift-p
81 51 Q Shift-q
82 52 R Shift-r
83 53 S Shift-s
84 54 T Shift-t
85 55 U Shift-u
86 56 V Shift-v
87 57 W Shift-w
88 58 X Shift-x
89 59 Y Shift-y
90 5A Z Shift-z
91 5B [ [
92 5C
93 5D ] ]
94 5E ^ Shift-6
95 5F _ Shift-hyphen
96 60 ` `
97 61 a a
98 62 b b
99 63 c c
100 64 d d
101 65 e e
102 66 f f
103 67 g g
104 68 h h
105 69 i i
106 6A j j
107 6B k k
108 6C l l
109 6D m m
110 6E n n
111 6F o o
112 70 p p
113 71 q q
114 72 r r
115 73 s s
116 74 t t
117 75 u u
118 76 v v
119 77 w w
120 78 x x
121 79 y y
122 7A z z
123 7B { Shift-[
124 7C | Shift-
125 7D } Shift-]
126 7E ~ Shift-`
127 7F delete Delete
128 80 Ä (A with diaeresis) Option-u Shift-a
129 81 Å (A with ring) Option-Shift-a
130 82 Ç (C with cedilla) Option-Shift-c
131 83 É (E with acute accent) Option-e Shift-e
132 84 Ñ (N with tilde) Option-n Shift-n
133 85 Ö (O with diaeresis) Option-u Shift-o
134 86 Ü (U with diaeresis) Option-u Shift-u
135 87 á (a with acute accent) Option-e a
136 88 à (a with grave accent) Option-` a
137 89 â (a with circumflex) Option-i a
138 8A ä (a with diaeresis) Option-u a
139 8B ã (a with tilde) Option-n a
140 8C å (a with ring) Option-a
141 8D ç (c with cedilla) Option-c
142 8E é (e with acute accent) Option-e e
143 8F è (e with grave accent) Option-` e
144 90 ê (e with circumflex) Option-i e
145 91 ë (e with diaeresis) Option-u e
146 92 í (i with acute accent) Option-e i
147 93 ì (i with grave accent) Option-` i
148 94 î (i with circumflex) Option-i i
149 95 ï (i with diaeresis) Option-u i
150 96 ñ (n with tilde) Option-n n
151 97 ó (o with acute accent) Option-e o
152 98 ò (o with grave accent) Option-` o
153 99 ô (o with circumflex) Option-i o
154 9A ö (o with diaeresis) Option-u o
155 9B õ (o with tilde) Option-n o
156 9C ú (u with acute accent) Option-e u
157 9D ù (u with grave accent) Option-` u
158 9E û (u with circumflex) Option-i u
159 9F ü (u with diaeresis) Option-u u
160 A0 † (dagger) Option-t
161 A1 ° (degree) Option-Shift-8
162 A2 ¢ (cent) Option-4
163 A3 £ (pound sterling) Option-3
164 A4 § (section) Option-6
165 A5 • (bullet) Option-8
166 A6 ¶ (pilcrow [paragraph sign]) Option-7
167 A7 ß (small sharp s) Option-s
168 A8 ® (registered trademark) Option-r
169 A9 © (copyright) Option-g
170 AA ™ (trademark) Option-2
171 AB ´ (acute accent) Option-e
172 AC ¨ (diaeresis) (umlaut) Option-u
173 AD not equal to Option-=
174 AE Æ (AE ligature) Option-Shift-'
175 AF Ø (O with slash) Option-Shift-o
176 B0 infinity Option-5
177 B1 ± (plus or minus) Option-Shift-=
178 B2 less than or equal to Option-,
179 B3 greater than or equal to Option-.
180 B4 ¥ (yen) Option-y
181 B5 µ (micro) Option-m
182 B6 partial differential Option-d
183 B7 summation Option-w
184 B8 product (capital pi) Option-Shift-p
185 B9 small pi Option-p
186 BA integral Option-b
187 BB ª (feminine ordinal) Option-9
188 BC º (masculine ordinal) Option-0
189 BD ohm (omega) Option-z
190 BE æ (ae ligature) Option-'
191 BF ø (o with slash) Option-o
192 C0 ¿ (inverted question mark) Option-Shift-?
193 C1 ¡ (inverted exclamation mark) Option-1
194 C2 ¬ (not) Option-l
195 C3 square root Option-v
196 C4 ƒ (small script f) Option-f
197 C5 almost equal to Option-x
198 C6 increment (delta) Option-j
199 C7 « (left pointing guillemet) Option-
200 C8 » (right pointing guillemet) Option-Shift-
201 C9 … (horizontal ellipsis) Option-;
202 CA (non-breaking space) Option-Spacebar
203 CB À (A with grave accent) Option-` Shift-a
204 CC Ã (A with tilde) Option-n Shift-a
205 CD Õ (O with tilde) Option-n Shift-o
206 CE Π(OE ligature) Option-Shift-q
207 CF œ (oe ligature) Option-q
208 D0 – (endash) Opt-hyphen
209 D1 — (emdash) Option-Shift-hyphen
210 D2 ' (left double quote) Option-[
211 D3 ' (right double quote) Option-Shift-[
212 D4 ‘ (left single quote) Option-]
213 D5 ' (right single quote) Option-Shift-]
214 D6 ÷ (division) Option-/
215 D7 lozenge Option-Shift-v
216 D8 › (y with diaeresis) Option-u y
217 D9 Ÿ (Y with diaeresis) Option-u Shift-y
218 DA fraction slash Option-Shift-1
219 DB € (euro) Option-Shift-2
220 DC Option-Shift-3
221 DD
› (right pointing single guillemet)
222 DE Option-Shift-5
223 DF
þ (small fl ligature [small thorn)]
224 E0 ‡ (double dagger) Option-Shift-7
225 E1 · (middle dot) Option-Shift-9
226 E2 ‚ (low single quote) Option-Shift-0
227 E3 „ (low double quote) Option-Shift-w
228 E4 ‰ (per mille) Option-Shift-r
229 E5 Â (A with circumflex)
230 E6 Ê (E with circumflex) Option-i Shift-e
231 E7 Á (A with acute accent)
Option-Shift-y or Option-e Shift-a
232 E8 Ë (E with diaeresis) Option-u Shift-e
233 E9 È (E with grave accent) Option-` Shift-e
234 EA Í (I with acute accent)
235 EB Î (I with circumflex)
Option-Shift-d or Option-i Shift-i
236 EC Ï (I with diaeresis)
237 ED Ì (I with grave accent) Option-` Shift-i
238 EE Ó (O with acute accent)
Option-Shift-h or Option-e Shift-o
239 EF Ô (O with circumflex)
240 F0 Apple Computer logo Option-Shift-k
241 F1 Ò (O with grave accent)
Option-Shift-l or Option-` Shift-o
242 F2 Ú (U with acute accent)
243 F3 Û (U with circumflex) Option-i Shift-u
244 F4 Ù (U with grave accent) Option-` Shift-u
245 F5 i without a dot Option-Shift-b
246 F6 ˆ (circumflex accent) Option-Shift-i
247 F7 ˜ (tilde accent) Option-Shift-n
248 F8 ¯ (macron) Option-Shift-,
249 F9 breve Option-Shift-.
250 FA dot accent Option-h
251 FB ring Option-k
252 FC ¸ (cedilla accent) Option-Shift-z
253 FD double acute accent Option-Shift-g
254 FE ogonek Option-Shift-x
255 FF hacek Option-Shift-t

The road behind

Robotap (itch) mac os. Mac OS X 10.0 was released five years ago today, on March 24th, 2001. To me, it felt like the end of a long road rather than a beginning. At that point, I'd already written over 100,000 words about Apple's new OS for Ars Technica, starting with the second developer release and culminating in the public beta several months before 10.0. But the road that led to Mac OS X extends much farther into past—years, in fact.

Mac OS X 10.0 was the end of many things. First and foremost, it was the end of one of the most drawn-out, heart-wrenching death spirals in the history of the technology sector. Historians (and Wall Street) may say that it was the iMac, with its fresh, daring industrial design, that marked the turning point for Apple. But that iMac was merely a stay of execution at best, and a last, desperate gasp at worst. By the turn of the century, Apple needed a new OS, and it needed one badly. No amount of translucent plastic was going to change that.

Apple was so desperate for a solution to its OS problem in the mid- to late 1990s that both Solaris and Windows NT were considered as possible foundations for the next-generation Mac OS. And even these grim options represented the end of a longer succession of abortive attempts at technological rejuvenation: OpenDoc, QuickDraw 3D, QuickDraw GX, Taligent, Pink, Copland, Gershwin, Dylan—truly, a trail of tears. (If you can read that list without flinching, turn in your Apple Extended Keyboard II and your old-school Mac cred.)

In retrospect, it seems almost ridiculously implausible that Apple's prodigal son, thrown out of the company in 1985, would spend the next twelve years toiling away in relative obscurity on technology that would literally save the company upon his return. (Oh, and he also converted an orphaned visual effects technology lab into the most powerful animation studio in the US—in his spare time, one presumes.)

So yes, Mac OS X marked the end of a dark time in Apple's history, but it was also the end of a decade of unprecedented progress and innovation. In my lifetime, I doubt I will ever experience a technological event that is both as transformative and as abrupt as the introduction of the Macintosh. Literally overnight, a generation of computer users went from a black screen with fuzzy green text and an insistently blinking cursor to crisp, black text on a white background, windows, icons, buttons, scrollbars, menus, and this crazy thing called a 'mouse.'

Cave escape 3d mac os catalina

I see a lot more Mac users today than I ever saw in the pre-Mac OS X era, but few of them remember what it was like in the beginning. They've never argued with someone who's insisted that 'only toy computers have a mouse.' They didn't spend years trying to figure out why the world stuck with MS-DOS while they were literally living in the future. They never played the maze. (Dagnabbit!)


Today's Mac users appreciate the refinement, the elegance, the nuances of Mac OS X. Today, the Mac grows on people. It seeps into their consciousness until they either break down and buy one or retreat to familiarity, perhaps to be tempted again later.

The original Mac users had a very different experience. Back then, the Mac wasn't a seductive whisper; it was a bolt of lightning, a wake-up call, a goddamn slap in the face. 'Holy crap! This is it!' Like I said, transformative. For the rest of the computing world, that revelatory moment was paced out over an entire decade. The experience was diluted, and the people were transformed slowly, imperceptibly.

That era ended on March 24th, 2001. Mac OS X 10.0 was the capstone on the Mac-That-Was. It was the end of the ride for the original Mac users. In many ways, it was the end of the Mac. In the subsequent five years (and over 200,000 more words here at Ars), the old world of the Mac has faded into the distance. With it, so have many of the original Mac users. Some have even passedon. Mac OS X 10.0 had a message: the Mac is dead.

Long live the Mac

Mac OS X arose, phoenix-like, from the ashes of the Mac-That-Was. Okay, maybe more like an injured phoenix. Also, Apple didn't light the bird on fire until a few years later. But still, technically, phoenix-like.

A side-by-side test-drive of Mac OS X 10.0 and 10.4 is shocking. The eternal debate is whether this gap exists because 10.4 is so good, or because 10.0 was so, so bad. That said, Apple's ability to plan and execute its OS strategy is not open for debate. In five short years, Apple has essentially created an entirely new platform. Oh, I know, it's really just the foundation of NeXT combined with the wreckage of classic Mac OS, but I think that makes it even more impressive. Two failing, marginalized platforms have combined to become the platform for the alpha geeks in the new century.

Today's Mac users span a much wider range than those of the past. Mac OS X's Unix-like core reached out to the beard-and-suspenders crowd (and the newer source-code-and-a-dream crowd) while the luscious Aqua user interface pulled all the touchy-feely aesthetes from the other direction. In the middle were the refugees from the Mac-That-Was, but they aren't the story here. Mac OS X is about new blood and new ideas—some good, some bad, but all vibrant. The Mac is alive again!

Cave Escape 3d Mac Os Download

After spending half my life watching smart, talented people ignore the Mac for reasons of circumstance or prejudice, it's incredibly gratifying to live in a post-Mac OS X world. When I encounter a tech-world luminary or up-and-coming geek today, I just assume that he or she uses a Mac. Most of the time, I'm right. Even those with a conflicting affiliation (e.g., Linux enthusiasts) often use Apple laptops, if not the OS.


In the media, the Mac and Apple have gone from depressing headlines on the business page to gushing feature stories everywhere. Even traditional strongholds of other platforms have fallen under the translucent fist of Mac OS X. Just look at Slashdot, long a haven for Linux topics, now nearly living up to the frequent accusation that it's become 'an Apple news site.' Here at Ars Technica, the story is similar. The 'PC Enthusiast's Resource' from 1999 is now absolutely swimming in Apple-related content.

As much as I like to think that I brought on this transformation here at Ars with my avalanche of words, the truth is that Mac OS X is responsible. Yes, Apple's shiny hardware helped, but it was the software that finally won over those stubborn PC geeks. It helped that the software was shiny too, but it would have all been for nothing if not for one word: respect.

Cave Escape 3d Mac Os Catalina

Mac OS X made the alpha geeks respect the Mac. My part, if any, in the transformation of a green-on-black den of PC users into a clean, well-lighted home for Apple news and reviews was merely to explain what Mac OS X is, where it's coming from, and where it appears to be going. The rest followed naturally. It's Unix. It's a Mac. It's pretty, stable, novel, innovative, and different. Mac OS X was powerful geeknip; it still is.

During the first few years of Mac OS X's life, I began my reviews with a section titled, 'What is Mac OS X?' That seems quaint in retrospect, but it really was necessary back then. (The pronunciation tips contained in those sections might still be useful. Even Steve Jobs still says 'ecks' instead of 'ten' sometimes. He also said 'PowerBook' during the last press event. I'm just saying..'MacBook'? Come on.)

Today, Mac OS X has achieved escape velocity. After five years and five competently executed major releases, Apple has earned the right to take a little more time with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Users need a break from the upgrade cycle too. (Well, the software upgrade cycle, anyway.) For all my complaints about the Finder, file system metadata, user interface responsiveness, you name it, I've always been rooting for Mac OS X. I've always wanted to believe. After five years, that faith is finally paying off.

Complacency's not my style, though. I still think Mac OS X can be better, and I continue to hold Apple to a very high standard. I've even got a head start on worrying about Apple's next OS crisis. (See parts one, two, three, and four.) Maybe I've been scarred by Apple's late-1990s dance with death..or maybe I've just learned an important lesson. Maybe Apple has too. I sure hope so, because I don't know if I can go through all that again.

Mac OS X is five years old today. It's got a decade to go before it matches the age of its predecessor, and perhaps longer before it can entirely escape the shadow of the original Mac. But I'm glad I'm along for the ride.

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